About Us


Pivotal Partners offers Contingency as well as Retained solutions, and leverages a proven Dedicated Search process.

  • Client Assessment
    We perform a client assessment as part of our initial due diligence. This assessment is crucial to delivering the short term result (sourcing the best candidate in the market) and maintaining a long term relationship.
  • Role Definition
    We work with the hiring manager to confirm, modify, and create an accurate job profile that also highlights the benefits to candidates.
  • Search
    We research the market and identify a slate of most qualified candidates from our Dedicated Search Process, with specific focus on passive candidates.
  • Candidate Assessment
    We qualify candidate credentials and interest levels through a hands on interview process. We assess skills, experience, references, and overall fit. We create an overview that includes all relevant information to assist in decision making.
  • Client Evaluation
    We review the client assessment with the short list and coordinate candidate interviews.
  • Offer and Acceptance
    We extend offers and help manage the negotiation process. We play a key role in securing the commitment from chosen candidate and communicate professionally with the candidates not selected.
  • Audit and Review
    We have a mutual interest in the successful on-boarding and long term success of the chosen candidate. We will hold periodic reviews to make sure both client and candidate are satisfied.
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